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For anyone finding this thread in the future for help, the best way to date vintage Ibanez pedals is apparently the cap, it has the week and year on it. Also, you should see who your circuit board is made by, a true vintage Ibanez should have a Maxon board. Maxon made all the Ibanez pedals back in the day. Decode ibanez serial numbers. The Guitardater Project cannot verify the authenticity of ANY Guitar, this site is simply meant as a tool to satisfy the curiosity of guitar enthusiasts. Vin number decoder. Find best value and selection for your Ibanez TS9 Overdrive Guitar Effect Pedal - SERIAL NUMBER 000001. Ibanez Tube Screamer TS9 Distortion Guitar Effect Pedal. Ibanez Tube Screamer History. Please feel free to use info from this web site on ebay or other websites, but please give credit to analogman.com, thanks! An Ibanez Tube Screamer is an overdrive/distortion pedal that is mild compared to many, but allows the true sound of the guitar and player's technique to come through. Replacement necks can have serial numbers years after the model 'should' be dated by spec and in all instances if the spec changed by the date shown on the neck the spec must be used to determine year of production, ie. A Lo Pro equipped guitar with an 03' serial number [except for K7's which were the only guitar produced in 03' with a Lo Pro] most certainly has had a replaced neck and the Lo Pro points the production to a year before 03'.
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