May 15, 2017. Chandramukhi serial cast names. NOT a G Gen WORLD.ISO. Download the Patch files and XDelta. SD Gundam G Generation Overworld. SD Gundam G Generation Overworld english. Download the game SD Gundam G Generation - Cross Drive Japan ROM for NDS / Nintendo DS. Free and instant download. SD Gundam G Generation Cross Drive. Of a normal SD gundam on handheld. The producer wanted to make a hard strategy game easier and appeal to more English. ข้อมูลเกม SD Gundam G Generation - Cross Drive เครื่อง NDS ดาวน์โหลด / Download - Game NDS/PSP/Wii/PS3 แหล่งรวม ข่าวเกม บทสรุป สูตร Review Webboard ROM.
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Drive - Glitch FAQ/guide Hello readers, and welcome to glitches of 'SD Gundam G Generation DS: cross drive'. So in this review, I will focus mostly on glitches, & differences between this specific game and its predecessors. Why are there so many so-called glitches in this game? Well, this game is basically a watered-down easy-type version of a normal SD gundam on handheld. The producer wanted to make a hard strategy game easier and appeal to more English gamers. But it somewhat backfired, but I do recommend this game to all gundam-fans and casual gamers, but this game is not for hardcore strategy gamers (who should be much happier with other SDgundam games, super robot taisen, final fantasy tactics, tactics ogre, fire emblem, langrisser.).
So without any further delay: #1. Stylus glitch: Well, this one may not be a real glitch, but since the D-pad cannot move your units on the map, and everything has to be dragged via your stylus on the touch-screen, it becomes quite painful after a while. HitPoints glitch: You cannot see your maxHp in this game. (Wow, wait a minute, what?) yes, you heard it right, though your current HP is always present, your maxHP is non-existent after taking a hit. During the combat screen, you can actually guess your HP percentage, but guessing is not solid. A strategy game that doesn't show maxHP is very rare nowadays, it is incontinent unless you can memorize all of your gundams' maxHP beforehand, which is certainly possible, but not recommended.

Capture glitch: In order to successfully capture an enemy unit on the handheld system, you need to first reduce its HP down to critical (or just very low), and surround it via your own units (3-6 will do the job, more the merrier). Here is the thing, once an enemy squad (1-4 units) engage you to a battle, you can't NOT attack them. So basically your squad have to attack no matter what. You can drag your units via stylus in odd positions, but after a while, we all just choose one of the three automatic adjustments. The 3 choices you have are: offensive, defensive, and power-save.
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