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Download Save Game Diablo 2 Fury Within Rating: 6,5/10 4266 votes

See contact information and details about Diablo 2 The Fury Within. Diablo was destroyed and his hordes were. The Fury Within Simulates 6 player game. Get the ANCIENTS: THE FURY WITHIN V1.01 right here, right now! ANCIENTS: THE FURY WITHIN V1.01 is available for immediate download. Get the ANCIENTS: THE FURY WITHIN V1.01 right here, right now! ANCIENTS: THE FURY WITHIN V1.01 is available for immediate download. Diablo 2 The Fury Within. Diablo 2 The Fury Within (the best mode) for v1.09!For advice just post on the wall.This page is operating on.

Lord of Destruction takes the story where Diablo left off. As we all know, Diablo was destroyed and his hordes were scattered.

Unfortunately, his older brother. Baal is still alive and kicking. He sets off to wreak his revenge after he took his own Soul-stone from Marius. He advances towards the barbarian highlands that hide the World-stone, a strange artifact that separates World of Sanctuary from heaven and hell. If he manages to damage or destroy the World-stone, Baal will be able to summon the demons from hell and take control of the mortal realms. The expansion starts with the fifth chapter. Here you will see that Baal reached the highland foothills.

The fifth chapter won't give you the time to slowly accommodate to the game; you will have to fight as soon as the game starts. You enter the scene during the siege of the Harrogath castle, and have no other option than to help defend the stronghold and then go after Baal. The technical improvements are quite obvious: you will finally be able to play the game in 800x600 with real lighting effects, which make the game look much better. On the other hand, there are some frame-rate glitches if you play the game in 800x600 in the last chapter in Narrogath.

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Act five has a far better design than the first four. The terrain is crowded with siege engines, and catapults that will try to hit you and your companions. A lot of barbarian NPCs will join you in your fight against evil.

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If you play the game as a barbarian, you can expect to be treated as a subject at the Harrogath court. The six new quests are a bit more complicated than the simple goals in the first chapters, but the players who are after action only, can still skip the story and go for the goals.


The expansion contains a lot of new creatures, altogether fifteen new models and their sub-classes, some of which have quite specific attacks and tactics rendering this chapter harder than the rest of the game. The animation is very good, and I especially liked the Overseer death animation: his flesh melts 'till there is no more than a skeleton standing, and it later falls to the ground.

Various types of Demon Imps will teleport around and cast fireballs at you, and mind you, they are dangerous as they are always trying to swarm you. Moon Lord is one of the versions of demonic Minotaur wielding two axes. My only remark here is that Baal has poorly been designed and balanced as he is easier to kill than some of his minions. What is the differents in this version? Armor: ======. Added new type of armors to give way for the new sets. Lots of New Armors including their exceptional and Elite versions.

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Diablo 2 Fury Within Mod

Added Hireling armors which is designed only for them. Their Durability=1 so dont attemp to wear those types. You can't even repair them to vendors. New sets added for armors. Lots of new inventory item gfx for armors.

Weapons: ======== 1. Added new type of weapons to give way for the new sets. Added Hireling weapons which is designed only for them. Their Durability=1 so dont attemp to equip those types. Again you can't even repair them!

New sets added for weapons. Lots of new inventory item gfx for weapons.

* Added Tons of New Items (didn't remove any from original LoD items). This way TFW is like an expansion of an expansion* duh?! *Thanks to Joel for some cool inventory graphics* How they differ from one another?? Well base AC and base damage of the items are alot better! And some of them has an automagic that doen't need to be magical to have magical powers. I'll try to list some of them.

Discover them all! Itemtypes: ========== Lots of new itemtypes. Lots of them can acquire skills like Orcish Boots for Barb, Lethal boots for Assn and a lot more.

Difficulty: =========== The Fury Within Simulates 6 player game. All monsters has x6 HP. Slightly Increased Monster Density and increased their damage. Reduced Hp of Elder, Priestess and Butcher Experience: =========== Normal=x2, NM=x3 and Hell=x5 Max level was now clvl 100. Komik legenda naga.

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Gain from Butcher, Priestesses and Elder Gems: ===== Original Gems are improved in terms of stats. Better see it for yourself. Fury Gems: ========== 1.Each Fury Gems has special powers that when you transmute to any item but with restrictions based from the powers they can have. You can create your own item. So more gems collected, more mods and stats for your favorite item. It will work in Normal, Magic and Rare items. 2.75 New Fury Gems That you can play with.